MESA Activity


Induction Program

MESA office bearers and student cell coordinators were introduced to the students

Debate Competition

The event was organized to compare and discriminate between ideas through active participation and healthy arguements among students.

Dance Workshop

The workshop was organized to provide students with the platform to showcase their talent in dancing and learn different dance styles.

Chess Competition

The Chess competition was organized with the aim to learn and increase cognitive skills and also help in improving aptitiude in recognizing patterns.

Carrom Competition

The Carrom Competition was organized with the aim to improve logical reasoning along with visual perception and eye hand coordination.

Table Tennis Competition

The Table Tennis competition was organized to improve reflex, eye-hand coordination, mental alertness and speed of movement.


The workshop was organized to provide mechanical students with the opportunity to get hands on practice of real life drawings and industrial cases, which will enrich their skills for core industries.

CATIA Competition

On the occassion of Engineers Day the competition was oraganized for mechanical students to showcase their talent in the designing of mechanical components using CATIA software.

Guest Lecture

The lecture was organized on the topic "Space Explorations by ISRO" with the aim to make students aware of the various efforts undertaken by our countries research team and encourage them to take interest in the field.

Cricket Tournament

The tournamnent was organized to provide students the opportunity to showcase their skills in cricket and develop a sense of team spirit in them.

NSS Camp Visit

MESA successfully made a visit to the NSS camp to endulge some important life lessons in village kids and to help the NSS students in their activities.

Awareness program

The awareness program was organized to educate and make students aware of the field of Entreprenuership.

Sketching Workshop

Sketching workshop was organized to improve the imagination skills and creativity of the students which will further help them in their academics.

Quiz Competition

The quiz competition was organized to test the knowledge of the students in the field of thermodynamics and improve the confidence level of the students in that field.


This online competition was organized to develop an innovative mindset in students and encourage them to do something productive during the quarantine period.